Lonzo Nut Blog

Bell Moore Group Inc.: Relocating for a Better Opportunity

The location for a new business is one of the most important factors to consider during the planning phase of any launching ventures. It can affect the many aspects on how it operates and in the overall growth of the business. For example, a restaurant type business must be conveniently located on a busy area or should be easily spotted from the street on which it resides. If the location wasn’t well considered in the initial planning then it might become the reason for unnecessary expenses later on and might lead to the downfall of the business operation.


When it comes to finding the perfect spot for your company, there are several reasons why using a tenant representative is a must. Since its inception in 1991, Bell Moore Group Inc. has been representing the needs of many entrepreneurs in finding the most suitable commercial lease property for their business. It is their mission to put your best interests above all else.  With years of experience working with various clients, their team’s quality of service is unmatched as they are excellent in dealing with the issues associated with the renting property.


In case you are planning on relocating to a suitable office space, Bell Moore Group Inc. can help you look for space availabilities that will maximize your business potential income generation. Their team is equipped with in-depth knowledge on current market trends which can help you in relocating to a new lease space for better business opportunity and growth. Bell Moore Group has also developed its relationships with property owners and real estate developers which allow the company to make the negotiation much easier and that all the needs of all parties are met and where issues are addressed to minimize or eliminate future misunderstandings.


Bellmoore Group Inc. review all the steps concerning the closing process of every transaction it handles. Tenant representation is a simple and straightforward task which Bell Moore has spent years understanding and negotiating with great success over many jurisdiction, thus establishing its reputation as an outstanding firm that many clients trust for efficient business solution.

Phil Devin Consultants: Forpliktet til å gi deg en pålitelig eiendomsmegling service

Siden starten, er Phil Devin eiendomsmegling forpliktet til å gi en ekte og bedre eiendomsmegling service til forskjellige mennesker rundt Australia. Det er ingen overraskelse at dette lille boutique byrået miljøet fått tillit hos mange mennesker søker etter profesjonell eiendomsmegler hjelper. Det er også kjent for sin forståelsesfull, detaljert og personlig service.


Ser frem til et positivt resultat når du besluttet å arbeide personlig med Phil Devin. Han vil ikke bli inkludert i en av de mest pålitelige eiendom fagfolk i deres område hvis han ikke gir tjenesten hver klient fortjener. Han er også involvert i en rekke vellykkede prosjekter fra hans mangeårige eiendomsmegling service, og møte behovene til sine kunder er sine hovedmål.


Phil er i gjør jobben der han ikke vil la en enkelt detalj passere uten rechecking det siden han er dedikert til nøyaktighet for å sikre en kvalitet resultere. Phil kan også utvikle riktig løsning basert på hans ærlig vurdering eiendomsmegler behov. Vitne hans uendelige forpliktelse til å gi deg resultatene du håper på.


Du kan være trygg med Phils omfattende erfaring i real estate og hans Procter og vente til riktig guide deg gjennom hele prosessen. Han kombinerer profesjonalitet og approachability godt når han diskuterer ting med sine klienter. Du vil også finne kunder anmeldelser om ham full av ros og selv anbefale ham til deres familie og venner.


Med alle de sagt ovenfor, det er tydelig at Phil har allerede et solid grunnlag i fast eiendom og du kan være sikker på sine smarte måter. Men han slutter ikke læring fordi, for ham, kontinuerlig læring er uunnværlig.


Phil Devin konsulenter er grunnlagt fordi Phil ønsket å gi sin "bedre service og bedre resultater" til flere personer og utvide sin rekkevidde. Byrået vil fortsette sin vekst samtidig gi eiendomsmegling tjenesten til mange i Australia.


Hvis du besøker sin offisielle nettside, vil du se mange funksjoner som kan hjelpe deg i din eiendom bekymring siden det innrømmer brukernes å anmodning en avgrensningsbrønn, søke etter eiendommer til leie eller selges, fylle opp en leieforholdet program eller be om vedlikehold. Spørre om tjenester av Phil Devin eiendomsmegling i dag og lære mer om vellykket bakgrunnen.


om oss


Snakke med alle som har opplevd prosessen med kjøp eller salg av fast eiendom og ofte sine funn er en kombinasjon av stress, skuffelse og til slutt bryte! En av mine mange mål er å sikre ditt neste trekk er positiv.


Jeg startet Phil Devin eiendomsmegling med ett enkelt oppdrag: "å levere resultater som overstiger våre klienter forventninger".


Hva betyr dette for deg?


  • Jeg vet du er opptatt, og jeg respekterer din tid. Når vi satt opp en avtale, og jeg skal være der.
  • Når jeg sier noe kan gjøres... kan du stole på den.
  • Jeg prøver ikke å snø folk eller skjule informasjon. Jeg er alt om utlevering.
  • Jeg er ikke i det for noen en transaksjon - jeg er i det i lang tid... livslang relasjoner.
  • Det betyr at jeg vil arbeide for å få resultatet du fortjener.


Til slutt når du kjøper eller selger med meg, kommer den til avgjørelsen, hva som er riktig for deg. Mitt mål er å sikre at du har nok informasjon til å ta en avgjørelse du kan være fornøyd med ned banen. Når du velger å kjøpe eller selge din bolig kan du stole på forståelsesfull, kvalitet, omfattende og personlig service.

"Skuffelsen er forskjellen mellom hva en klient forventer og hva Agent leverer"


Jeg vet at mine klienter er ute å håndtere en 'profesjonelle' som kan 'lytte' til deres personlige ønsker og behov og tilby løsninger for dem!


Phil Devin er det profesjonelle!

The Port of Galveston Continues to Make History on Galveston Island

The next time you pass by the bustling docks and wharfs of the Port of Galveston, take a moment to let the history and impact of the facility sink in. As the oldest port in the Gulf of Mexico west of New Orleans, the port has played a significant role in the development of island commerce for over 190 years.


What is now 850 acres of port facilities began as just a tiny speck on the map where hardboiled businessmen gathered to trade cotton, rice and other valued commodities. The facility traces its roots back to 1825 when the land was still part of Mexico and the Congress of Mexico issued a proclamation establishing it as a port. The ensuing decades would see the port become one of the most important shipping facilities in the country.


“Up until the hurricane of 1900, the port was the busiest on the Gulf Coast and was even considered the second busiest in the country behind the port of New York City,” said Port of Galveston spokesperson Cristina Galego. “Galveston’s wealth and position as the economic capital of Texas was due in large part to the port’s activity.”


Unfortunately, after the port was nearly wiped off the map by the 1900 hurricane—even though it was quickly re-built—it never reclaimed its lofty status and was overtaken by the larger, deep water facility known as the Houston Ship Channel. But the port continues to be a big economic driver for the region. The port adds $921.6 million to the regional economy, and more than $2.3 billion to the state's economy and is responsible for the creation of more than 13,890 direct and indirect jobs statewide according to a 2015 study.


If you’ve ever taken a cruise out of Galveston, you probably realize that the port attracts a lot of like-minded pleasure seekers. In fact, it’s Texas’ top cruise port, the fourth busiest cruise port in North America and ranks in the top 10 in the world. Galego says over 869,000 passengers embarked on cruise journeys out of the port in 2016 and that number is projected to grow to over 946,000 passengers in 2017, with total sailings projected to increase from 235 in 2016 to 257 this year.


The port is home to some of the most popular cruise lines in the world, including three Carnival Cruise Line vessels, two Royal Caribbean Cruise Line ships and a Disney Cruise Line vessel. If you’re looking to visit lush western Caribbean locales such as Cozumel, Belize, Jamaica and the Bahamas, a visit to the Port of Galveston is likely in your future.


Plus, if you’ve recently bought a BMW, there’s a good chance it passed through the port following the establishment last year of the BMW Vehicle Processing Center, which handled about 16,000 new Bimmers and Minis in 2016.

Careconnect Health Insurance Group Review: How to Avoid America’s Top Killer

You may have heard some scary news last month about heart health. According to a new study from the American Heart Association (AHA), one in three deaths in the United States is caused by cardiovascular disease (heart attack, stroke, clogged arteries or related problems), making it the country’s top killer. Even scarier: Many of us don’t realize we’re at risk, says David Friedman, MD, chief of Heart Failure Services at Northwell Health’s Franklin Hospital and assistant professor of cardiology at Hofstra Northwell School of Medicine.


“A lot of people are oblivious until one day a best friend or close relative has a heart attack or stroke,” says Friedman. “But we all have some level of risk, and that risk goes up as we get older. So we have to be vigilant.” The good news? Heart disease and its related conditions are almost entirely preventable.


In fact, following a few simple guidelines can dramatically reduce your danger of cardiovascular disaster, says Friedman, even if you’ve never worried about your heart before. Here’s how to start.


Stay away from smoke



There’s been a 30 percent drop in cigarette smoking since 1998 – but even so, the AHA study noted that nearly 19 percent of men and 15 percent of women lit up in 2014. If you’re still smoking, talk to your doctor about how to make 2016 the year you quit for good.


Not a smoker? You may still be putting your heart at risk if you spend time around others who smoke, or in environments where smoking is allowed. Breathing in secondhand smoke can cause heart disease, not to mention lung cancer and a host of other problems, says Friedman.


Luckily, New York State bans smoking in workplaces and entertainment venues. Improve your odds of staying healthy by making sure no one smokes in your home, your car or anywhere else you spend significant amounts of time.


Eat plant-based meals, not processed ones.



According to the AHA study, the proportion of adults consuming an ideal diet has increased over the last decade, from .7 percent in 2003-2004 to 1.5 percent in 2011-2012. But that means more than 98 percent of us could do better. And many of us could do a lot better, says Friedman. So what should you eat to keep your heart healthy? “To begin with, eat a plant-based diet with less fried and fatty foods,” says Friedman. “Try to stay away from anything processed, in boxes and packages.

” Limit salt, alcohol and sugary snacks, like candy and soda, which provide no real nutrients and can cause blood-sugar (and energy) levels to spike and then crash. The bottom line? Eat more fruits, vegetables, nuts and whole grains, and aim for fewer saturated fats and empty carbohydrates.


Move more



In the data tracked by the AHA, about one in three adults reported no physical activity outside of work. That’s a recipe for cardiovascular disaster, Friedman says.

In fact, the AHA recommends at least 30 minutes of aerobic exercise, at least five days a week. “It doesn’t have to be 30 minutes all at once,” Friedman says. “I tell people to break it up. They can do 10 minutes in the morning on a stationary bike, for example, a 10-minute walk on their lunch break, and 10 minutes doing something active as soon as they get home, before they sit down for dinner and settle in for the night.”


If your heart can handle it, sub in some high-intensity aerobic activity a few times a week. And try to do some regular resistance training—using bands or dumbbells, or doing body-weight exercises like squats and push-ups. “Weight-training isn’t just for muscle strengthening,” Friedman says. “It has cardiovascular benefits, too.”


Get regular check-ups


If you don’t have an existing heart condition, an annual visit to your primary care doctor should be all you need to make sure your ticker is in working order. But don’t just assume you’re in the clear – it’s critical to know your key numbers, so ask your doctor about your cholesterol and blood pressure levels. If they’re high, ask what steps you should take to bring them down. (While you’re at it, talk to your doctor about any other risk factors you might have, such as diabetes, known to raise heart danger, or a family history of heart problems.) Remember: By making a few easy changes, you’re lowering your risk of being felled by America’s biggest killer

Harmony Chinese Takeaway Review: A service like no other!

We were not surprised with the previous reviews about Harmony Chinese Takeaway because all praises about the takeaway restaurant were genuinely accurate.


Many people loved this takeaway because it serves top notch Chinese food. No overblown menu with overblown prices and no trendy street food pretensions. They were one of those ordinary and humble stores you would see on streets. However, Harmony offers great service like no other Chinese takeaway. Reviews claim that it was not easy to find such good takeaway restaurant.


When it was our first time to order at Harmony, we saw how friendly the staffs were. We ordered chicken and noodle soup, honey dew chicken wings, salt and garlic chips and egg fried rice. Surprisingly, all the foods we ordered were very delicious! After then, we promised to come back again to the place every time we crave for tasty Chinese foods.


We were aware of the negative reviews about Harmony Chinese Takeaway and we believed that most of those responses came from people who were expecting an extravagant place with the same level of lavishness as a luxury Chinese restaurant. Well, if that’s your thing, look elsewhere. As mentioned earlier, its exterior and interior were simple but their service and food were great.


One of my friends who doesn't like tofu before suddenly loved the C8 Ma Po Tofu of Harmony Chinese Takeaway after she tasted it once. She’s now addicted to it. We were always grateful to taste good Chinese foods at a simple town.


The delivery was fast unlike other Chinese takeaways and it has polite service. The menu has a good range and a few nice surprises. The food was always amazingly cooked and piping hot. Travelers who came from faraway places tried this takeaway restaurant and they commended the food because it was just as good as its service.


Source: http://onlineordergo.co.uk/harmony-chinese-southbourne

Huxley Associates: How the Internet of Things is transforming the insurance industry


The Internet of Things is the latest in a long line of technological developments to be embraced by the insurance industry, but is perhaps the most important. At its heart, the Internet of Things is the connection of everyday items to the internet. Almost anything you can think of can now be a “smart” device: coffee machines, washing machines, home thermostats, gym equipment, watches, the list goes on.


By connecting to the internet, these devices become smarter. For instance, when your coffee machine runs out of coffee it can send you a text to tell you so; when your washing machine is due a service it can email you the details, when you want to turn the heating on during an unexpectedly cold day, you can do so from your mobile phone before you get home. By wearing an internet-enabled health tracker device, so-called “wearable”, your doctor can track your health remotely. It is estimated that by 2020, 34 billion devices will be connected to the internet.


But there is another major use of the internet of things, and that is in the data that they produce. The coffee machine manufacturer now knows all about your coffee consumption, what type and flavour you like the best, and can tailor its offering to you. Your doctor can see when your blood pressure is getting dangerously high, and can intervene.


How is this relevant to insurance? The insurance industry has always been about data. Specifically, collecting data in order to calculate an accurate risk premium. The internet of things allows insurance companies to collect vast amounts of data, making the most of increasingly sophisticated computer power to help them in their calculations, and its transforming the way they do business.


The devices transforming the industry

Traditionally, calculating a car insurance premium relied upon up-to-date information about the type of car the customer travels in, his or her lifestyle, including their geographical location, and the nature of their business. That information can now be calculated quickly thanks to sophisticated algorithms, and customers get a near instant quote once they have handed these details over.


Now there is a new level of data available. Insurers are offering black box-style monitoring systems, that, when fitted to the car, gather a history of speed, distance, turning and braking patterns, time of day and much more. These so-called “telematics” allow the insurance company to offer “usage-based” insurance, in other words, cheaper policies for those that drive more carefully, and vice versa.


Similarly, in the health insurance market, wearable technology such as Fitbit can send data on the lifestyles of their wearers back to the insurance company. Consequently, a customer’s health risks can be determined more accurately, giving policyholders the power to adjust their premiums by adopting healthier habits.


It’s the same case in the home. Insurers offer discounts to policyholders who opt to use smart home technology, such as carbon monoxide and smoke detectors. These devices can provide predictive alerts on potentially dangerous conditions in the near future, thus helping to minimise the event of a claim.


Increasingly, these devices don’t just provide a more personalised insurance product but a claims model built around prevention rather than reaction.


Future challenges

As more and more information gets shared over wireless connections, so the issue of cybersecurity becomes more prevalent. Protecting consumer’s data is of the utmost importance. But this also represents another opportunity for the insurance industry, because the demand for cyber insurance has grown considerably in recent years. Last year, the insurance industry took in $2.5 billion (around £1.9 billion) in premiums on policies to protect companies from losses resulting from hacks. That was up from around $2 billion (around £1.5 billion) a year before, and less than $1 billion (around £750 million) two years before that.


Finding the right skills

To take full advantage of the opportunities presented by the Internet of Things, companies will have to invest heavily in their technological infrastructure, including new hardware platforms, networks, operating systems, types of high-volume data processing, cloud services, endpoint management tools, standards and ecosystems. The skill sets and type of jobs that are required as the result of these include an ever greater demand for Software Engineers, Data Analysts, and Technical Architects. No area within insurance, whether in new business, claims processing, or policy writing, will remain untouched.

Pugh Heating & Air Conditioning: Best reasons to have air conditioning in your home

During the summer season, most people need a new air conditioning installation for their homes, and keeping the indoor spaces of their home at a cool temperature is their priority. Summer also means that it’s also the perfect time to contact your trusted HVAC Company, such as the Pugh Heating & Air Conditioning.


When looking for a trustworthy organization, avoid fraud services online because fraudsters often disguise themselves as representatives from a genuine company and offer their services to you in exchange of your personal and financial information.


Pugh Heating & Air Conditioning can perform proper air conditioning service and installation for your home and can help you decide which AC installation is the best for your particular property. You can also schedule installing air conditioning to your home before summer actually begins to their team. This specific home improvement service has great benefits for your home and listed on the following are the reasons why you should have one today:


Steadfast cooling


Even though it is scorching hot outside, you can still have a cool temperature inside your home with an air conditioner that is connected to a programmable thermostat. You can enjoy its steady and cool temperature throughout the day. A new AC system ensures that you will not suffer from the strong heat outside during the summer season.


Purify indoor air


Air conditioners don’t only provide a cool and comfortable temperature for your home, but it can also purify your indoor air. It delivers all your cooled air through an air filter before air conditioners can actually provide climate controlled air to your home. This air filter will remove dirt, dust, and other allergens while purifying your indoor air.




Some people often get irritated with a hot temperature which also makes them hot-headed in an instant. Because of this, the introduction of air conditioning has been their lifesaver. You can easily and quickly cool your home with a single push of a button where you can enjoy its cool temperature and relax your mind at the same time. You can also avoid heat-related illnesses during summer's strong heat with air conditioning. In case you have further inquiries, Pugh Heating & Air Conditioning will provide you with more information about air conditioning maintenance and installation.


Since 1939, Pugh Heating & Air Conditioning has been serving a lot of people with their HVAC needs. Reviews prove that they are reliable and trustworthy. You can trust their team with installations on everything, from ventilation to heating systems and water heaters. Aside from air conditioning, you can also inquire about different alternative heating systems, including boilers, hot boilers or heat pumps on their team. Call them today for a free estimate on the costs of their products and services. They also offer service protection to their customers.

Adoption fraud - Irregular adoptions



Intercountry adoptions are very complex because they must follow laws set out by:

  • provincial and territorial governments
  • the Government of Canada, and
  • the country of adoption.


We make sure that immigration or citizenship requirements have been met before granting permanent status to an adoptive child. For more information on the process, read about CIC’s role


Be cautious – adopting a child from overseas can be complicated


Sometimes, prospective parents try to speed up the process by taking matters into their own hands. Although the vast majority of adoptions progress smoothly, adoptive parents should use caution throughout the process.


You should contact the government of the province or territory you live in to obtain the most up-to-date information about the adoption process, and to ensure that the adoption meets all their requirements.


To avoid unnecessary expense and disappointment, adoptive parents should not plan to return to Canada with the adopted child until they know for certain that all immigration or citizenship requirements have been met.


Don’t let this happen to you


The following stories are based on real experiences of intercountry adoptions. They are meant to demonstrate some of the problems that can arise in the process. These types of situations may be avoided by contacting your province or territory of residence to obtain the most up-to-date information about the adoption process.




The families described are not real. The names are fictitious and the stories may combine details from several adoption cases.


Pierre and Maria’s story


Like many couples who decide to adopt, Pierre and Maria had been trying to conceive for several years.


They began the process of adopting a child overseas and were told they could be matched with a child in two years. But Pierre and Maria did not want to wait any longer to have a child, as they had already experienced such a long, frustrating and emotional journey.


A friend who worked in a hospital overseas told them about a baby who was abandoned by his mother and offered to help the couple adopt him. She assured Pierre and Maria that she had many contacts in the local government and could help them with the paperwork.


Pierre and Maria decided to bring the abandoned child to Canada in order to adopt him in their province. Over the next several months, they received pictures of the baby, furnished his room, and bought him clothing and toys. Pierre filled out many forms, including the CIC forms to sponsor the child for permanent residence in Canada, and his friend helped with the paperwork on the child’s end.


Once they thought all of the paperwork was in order, Pierre and Maria scheduled the next flight to the country where the baby was. The long-awaited moment to meet the boy had arrived, and their dream of having a family was about to come true.


Meanwhile at the local Canadian visa office, Janine, a visa officer had been working on the couple’s adoption file. Although Pierre and Maria had submitted what they thought was the necessary documents, Janine had serious concerns about the child’s history.


When Pierre and Maria arrived at the visa office with the child in tow, expecting to get a visa within days, Janine had to inform the couple of the visa refusal. She explained that without the proper documents, there was no way of proving that the child was legally available for adoption. She had no choice but to deny their application.


Stunned, disappointed and angry, Pierre and Maria returned home childless.


Stefan and Nicole’s story


Stefan and Nicole had been researching adoption agencies online for several months before selecting one that promised quick and efficient intercountry adoptions. Unbeknownst to Stefan and Nicole, many cases handled by their chosen agency were under investigation.


Stefan and Nicole eagerly proceeded with the adoption process and provided the agency with the necessary documents. Soon after, the agency informed the couple that they had been matched with a little girl. The agency mailed pictures to Stefan and Nicole, who were ecstatic to share their good news with family and friends. A few months later they received an update from the agency on the status of the adoption and they booked the next flight to meet the little girl and pick up her visa.


Upon arrival, Stefan and Nicole could not wait to meet the little girl and bring her back home with them to Canada. They arrived at the Canadian visa office, expecting to receive a valid visa for the child. The couple was completely shocked when the visa officer told them that the visa had not been approved.


The officer explained that the adoption file had been poorly prepared, the documents submitted were poorly translated and there were gaps in the information provided, which caused concern as to the circumstances surrounding the legality of the adoption. Devastated by this news, Stefan and Nicole were informed that they would have to re-submit certain documents through the host country’s judicial or adoption system. They were also informed that the process could take another few months. The officer would also need to investigate.


In order to avoid further disappointment and expense, the visa officer suggested that Stefan and Nicole wait to hear news from the visa office that all requirements were met before returning for the visa. 


After months of having waited for their little girl, Stefan and Nicole returned to Canada without her.


Seven months later, Stefan and Nicole received the news they had been waiting for. Their little girl’s visa was ready. They booked the next flight and were finally able to meet her. From that point the process went smoothly, and a week later Stefan and Nicole were back in Canada with their new daughter.


Elena and Brian’s story


Elena and Brian had been keen on adopting a child from within their province. They had started the preliminary work for the application process when they came across an adoption agency specializing in intercountry adoptions, which promised faster adoption times. Hopeful and eager to start their family, Elena and Brian turned to intercountry adoption.


The agency soon matched Elena and Brian with a two-year-old girl and assured them a quick and simple process. They were told that they could expect to bring the little girl home in less than six months. Excited by this news, Elena and Brian spent the next months completing the necessary home study, gathering the required documents, finalizing the financial commitments, and getting their house ready in time for the child’s arrival.


A week before the flight to go meet the child, Elena and Brian contacted the Canadian visa office to ensure the paper work was complete. They were then told that the file was not ready and that it was under investigation.


The visa office told them that there were concerns with the accuracy of the information provided on the birth certificate as well as serious concerns about how the child had come to be available for adoption, and that they were looking into the possibility of child trafficking. The visa office explained that in cases of potential child trafficking, additional verifications must be done to ensure the best interests of the child are respected.


Under the impression that the child had been abandoned as an infant, Elena and Brian were shocked by the news that this may not be the case. They later found out that many other adoptions from that particular country were also being held up or suspended because of fraud and child trafficking concerns.


Know More. Visit: http://www.globalsingapore.sg/


VP - Fraud Surveillance Unit, Fraud Risk Mgt, Operational Risk Mgt



Roles & Responsibilities:


Support the Bank's Fraud Risk Management [FRM] Program, and provide assistance in the primary roles and responsibilities of the FRM team. The position will report to the Head of Fraud Risk Management.

Deliver, manage and lead the daily operations of the Fraud Surveillance Unit [FSU]. The Manager will lead the Fraud Surveillance Unit and Manage the Operation of the banks Fraud Surveillance System [FSS]. The Key responsibilities of the position are :


Project Delivery


  1. Crafting UAT scripts for deployment of the EFSS, and running UAT exercises
  2. Partner with key Business and O&T stakeholders to develop alert handling flow process, preliminary investigations criteria and to ensure all concerns are identified, considered and addressed in the development of the program
  3. Engage with Business and O&T stakeholders on developing and agreement on SLAs
  4. Establish and document FSU policies, procedures [escalations, alert handling, customer contact and interactions with stakeholders etc], internal controls [maker/checker, day-2 reviews etc] and self-assessment protocols
  5. Establish Key Performance Indicators for the EFSS system and team
  6. Establish and execute communication plans on the progress of the EFSS


Managing Daily Operations


  1. Apply Key Performance Indicators for the FSU, including; proper and timely handling of fraud alerts generated by the EFSS, closure of alert cases escalated to the Investigation team etc
  2. Establish and coordinate scheduled assessments on the performance of the FSU and management of the FSS parameters and modelling thresholds to optimize alerts [eg - alerts false:positives, loss avoidance]
  3. Preparation and management of the FSU Program's MIS showing multiple perspectives of the performance
  4. Benchmark the FSU performance against best-practices and accepted industry standards, and exceed these benchmarks, where possible
  5. Liaise with stakeholders and vendors to maintain and continuously improve the FSS System to support the Bank's Fraud Risk Management [FRM] strategy
  6. Conform to the Bank's performance management policies and procedures.
  7. To work as part of a team to investigate and respond to Fraud Incidents detected
  8. Enhance market intelligence network by maintaining a working relationship with vendors, industry members and authorities to keep abreast of fraud management developments and trends
  9. Undertake a pro-active fraud risk management stance by proposing measures to mitigate fraud risks
  10. Assist FSU team members during absences, holidays, and times of high volume, including shift duties, where necessary
  11. Recommend and assist in development of infrastructural support for Fraud Risk Management functions


Leading Staff


  1. Provide leadership and guidance to FSU staff for professional and personal development, including planning and coordinating needs-based training, defining mentoring strategies, and providing hands-on education; with the objective to develop a highly engaged, high-performance team to deliver against FRM objectives
  2. Establish and execute capacity plans for the team, including review of shift schedules, processing turnaround times, adherence to departmental Activity Based Capacity planning etc





Qualifications & Requirements:


University Degree or equivalent preferred

Typically have 5 to 10 years' experience in practical fraud management or investigations

Experience in operating Fraud Risk engines or SAS program

Experience in law enforcement and/or investigations would be an added advantage

Experience in Banking Fraud investigations is preferred

Have knowledge of the financial services industry products and processes. Demonstrated experience in either consumer and corporate banking, knowledge of private bank is a plus

Strong working knowledge in Microsoft Word, Excel, Power Point, and other necessary applications

Excellent written and communication skills with the ability to communicate at all levels

Systematic approach with good organization and planning skills

Independent, resourceful and enthusiastic with a high sense of integrity

Demonstrates successes in working both independently and leading teams

Able to work under intense pressure

Additional language skills are advantageous for this post

7 tips for taking care of antique furniture by Eric Earl Hamilton Marsden Restorers

Modern home furnishings are far different from antique furniture, so the methods involved in taking care and repairing both types of furniture shouldn't be the same. It’s also evident that the ways involved in taking care of valuable and historical antique furniture have changed throughout the years and you're possibly thinking that the use of adhesives, fasteners, finishes, and polishes can help you protect and preserve each piece you have, but you’re wrong, simply because those things just affect the current and future value of your furnishings.


Do you want to preserve the value of your precious antique furniture? Eric Earl Hamilton Marsden Furniture Restorers is here to give you a hand by sharing the following tips:


Take extra care when moving a furniture


Check if there are any loose or damaged joinery when you're moving your antique furniture,you can avoid fraud deals by doing so. You must carry the chairs through their seat rails, and tables through their apron and legs. Don't drag large furniture across the floor, lifting it is far better.


It's also best to remove the doors, drawers, and shelves first before moving a furniture. You can also put blankets or any proper padding on glass doors to protect them. Carry large items on their back or top. Marble tops on furniture should be removed first before moving them and must be carried in a vertical manner along with mirrors and glass.


Avoid direct sunlight


Place your antique furniture away from direct sunlight because sunlight can degrade early finishes, wood, and fabrics. If possible, put curtains or shades around such pieces to deter contact from sunlight.


Put a humidifier or a dehumidifier in your home


The amount of moisture in the air can also affect antique furniture. The wood might expand or contract due to the changes in relative humidity. Eric Earl Hamilton Marsden Furniture Restorers recommends the use of a humidifier or a dehumidifier to help lessen the damaging effects of too much moisture (or dryness) into your valued antique furniture. These apparatus can help you maintain the relative humidity in your home.

Mossack Fonseca Group: A large firm with a human touch

What is the ultimate goal of every company? Is it only about making money? The answer could be a “yes” or “no”. It actually depends on the company; and Mossack Fonseca Group’s answer to this is a big NO, because they’re also concerned about society’s welfare.


As a global company with a human touch, Mossack Fonseca & Co. established a Corporate Social Responsibility Program to provide necessary assistance to people in need every year.


Corporate social responsibility is a company’s concern for society’s welfare wherein marketing managers are interested in long-term corporate interest as well as society’s well-being. There are two main ideas included in social responsibility for most people; they are sustainability and stakeholder theory.


Sustainability includes a thought that if a company helps society through their business, then they will gain success. They could create products or services that can fulfill a need and help solve society’s problems; so people, in turn, can profit and provide help to the world.


Another approach in which companies can incorporate social responsibility is through stakeholder theory. Its central focus is that social responsibility is really giving attention to every stakeholder in the entire company, including the employees, customers, owners, suppliers, management or the community. It’s more about taking care of all different stakeholders and expecting that this will bring about social responsibility. The following is how each stakeholder would view social responsibility within their company:


- An employee wants to have a good and secure job as well as superb wages

- The management wants happy workers and good profits

- A customer wants excellent customer services and high-quality products

- The community wants a company to pay their taxes, offer their citizens good wages and help support the environment

- A supplier wants his/her business to remain profitable

- A business-owner wants to have a financial return with excellent profit


However, critics have a different view on social responsibility. They strongly believe that the sole purpose of a company behind social responsibility is just to make profit for their stakeholders. They state that taking care of the society and its concern is the job of nonprofit organizations, not for-profit organizations.


Any company can run out of business because of the additional expenses caused by social responsibility. It could also lessen a company’s competitiveness worldwide. Expansion would also be impossible if there are lesser profits, and this struggle could happen to a company which is giving money away. Losing to a company that does not donate profits is also a strong possibility.


There are also entities who support social responsibility. For them, companies should help the society improve for all their stakeholders. They believe that it is the companies’ responsibility to fix some of the society’s problems such as pollution, poor wages, and damaged cities since these issues were caused by them, in the first place. Furthermore, they add that companies have higher chances of success with social responsibility.  There are a lot of companies that have proved this theory since they are able to provide quality products and services and make a good profit that helped better society.


Are you curious about the names of the companies who found success in social responsibility? They’re really huge companies and there’s a bigger chance that you’re familiar with them. Ice-cream maker? Probably the first thing in your mind is Ben & Jerry’s. Well, don’t be surprised as they are on top of the list. They pride themselves in supporting charities and have been donating a full 7.5% of pretax profits to various charitable institutions. The next company is The Body Shop which works with Greenpeace and has helped gather 4 million signatures against animal testing. Coffee? Starbucks is popular in this category, and it’s the last example. It supports Ethos Water, which provided clean water to more than 420,000 people that don’t normally have access to it.


Mossack Fonseca & Co. is highly motivated to contribute to the positive development of human beings. Since the firm is committed to helping communities, their legal experts are providing legal assistance to many organizations, including Rotary Club of Boquete (Panama), The British Aid Society, Aeroclub de Panama, Fundacion Del Club Canino, Fundacion Confederacion Canofila de Panama, and The World Bank. To remind themselves about their responsibility towards society, they’re giving their 100% in fostering change to where it is needed the most.


In particular, The Mossack Fonseca Group works with Piero Rafael Martínez De La Hoz Foundation, Tomatis Therapy and Stimulation Foundation, Art in the Park Foundation, Saint Joseph Parish Foundation of Valle De Antón, Fundacion Soy Capaz, and Panamanian Institute for Family Education – IPEF.


You don’t need to belong to a prestigious company to help society, as a concerned individual; you can actually do a lot of things. Being a volunteer to different community activities is one of your options. More damages to our environment could happen if we don’t work together to make the world a better place. There’s this belief that your success as an individual and the success of a company depends on Mother Nature, because without it, where can we find the basic ingredients to our products and services? Yes, money is a part of life; so is the natural world. The Mossack Fonseca Group is aware of their responsibility towards society, and they are continuing to do their best to improve the lives of numerous people in need. The health of society will reflect upon the health of a company’s future.

Mossack Fonseca: Brazil says beach apartments tied to corruption scheme

Beach-side apartments in Brazil may have been used as bribes and to launder money for members of the ruling Workers’ Party, police and prosecutors said on Wednesday after ordering six arrests and 15 search warrants.


In the latest phase of Brazil’s largest-ever corruption probe, investigators are looking into whether construction firm OAS SA used apartments in the Solaris complex in Guaruja as bribes in a corruption scheme involving state-run oil firm Petrobras.


Dozens of executives and politicians have been arrested or are under investigation on suspicion of overcharging Petroleo Brasileiro SA, as the company is formally known, and using part of the proceeds to bribe members of President Dilma Rousseff’s ruling coalition.


The apartments were held in the name of front companies, such as Murray Holdings LLC that was registered by Panama-based Mossack Group, prosecutors said at a news conference, adding Mossack has previously helped hide criminal activity offshore.


“There is real evidence of money laundering. We are looking principally at this time at the Vaccari family,” said prosecutor Carlos Fernando dos Santos Lima, referring to Joao Vaccari, the jailed former treasurer of the Workers’ Party.


Vaccari has been convicted and sentenced to just over 15 years in jail.


OAS declined to comment. Mossack Fonseca, a law firm, said in a statement it had been "unjustly and erroneously included in matters with which we have no involvement at all." The firm said it was not under investigation and had not been contacted by police or the judiciary.


Local paper O Globo said former President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva also had an apartment held under another name in the complex. Lima did not confirm this.


"If there was an apartment that was in his name ... or someone in his family, we will investigate it like any other," Lima said. Police said all the apartments in the complex were under investigation.


A statement on the website for Lula's office said the former president repudiates attempts to link his name with the corruption scandal. The statement reiterated that Lula's family bought an option for an apartment in the complex but later decided not to go through with the purchase. Lula has previously threatened to prosecute journalists for smearing his name in connection with the Petrobras case.


Neither Lula nor Rousseff is under investigation, though Rousseff's approval rating has suffered from the accusations against her political party.


Police only gave the name of one person that had been arrested, publicist Nelci Warken.

Administración de Fundaciones de Interés Privado en Mossack Fonseca

La fundación de interés privado es una forma única de persona jurídica que se asemeja en su estructura a una sociedad, pero actúa como un fideicomiso.   Son entidades propias, reconocidas a nivel mundial sobre la base de los principios del derecho internacional privado.


La Fiduciaria Mossfon, S.A. ofrece una gama completa de servicios relacionados con estas fundaciones, entre ellos:


  • Nombramiento de un Protector para salvaguardar los intereses de los beneficiarios.


  • Elaboración e implementación de actas y reglamentos fundacionales.


  • Preparación de los estados financieros a los beneficiarios.


  • Enlace con los protectores, banqueros, asesores de inversión, abogados y asesores fiscales para garantizar la protección de los intereses de la fundación.


  • Administración de activos y mantenimiento de la fundación y sus registros de conformidad con todas las obligaciones reglamentarias pertinentes a la jurisdicción de Panamá.




  • La gestión y dirección de la Fundación serán ejecutadas por el “Consejo de Fundación”, en el cual sus miembros pueden ser personas naturales o jurídicas y pueden ser de cualquier nacionalidad. Este ente es más parecido a la “Junta Directiva” que a la figura del Fiduciario, y, por ende, no lleva las responsabilidades y obligaciones de la “Ley de Fideicomisos”.


  • Es posible nombrar a un órgano de Fiscalización (Protector). El Protector o los Protectores pueden ser nombrados para supervisar/autorizar los actos y el proceder del Consejo de la Fundación.


  • Una Fundación de Interés Privado Panameña es una entidad que tiene beneficiarios cuyos nombres no son de conocimiento público. La gestión, la atención y la distribución de los activos o de los intereses dimanantes de la misma son determinados a través de un “Reglamento” emitido de forma  privada.


  • Su personería jurídica se establece al crearse la Fundación en el Registro Público. El concepto de “Sham Trust” (por el cual un fideicomiso se considerará nulo) queda descartado.


  • Se establece claramente un patrimonio separado. Como resultado de ello, la titularidad de los activos no puede ser atacada o impugnada una vez los activos han sido transferidos con éxito, a menos que dentro de los tres (3) años de haberse transferido los bienes se pueda demostrar que los mismos derivan de un acto criminal o fraudulento.


  • Es usual crearlas para que tengan una existencia perpetua.


  • A diferencia de la Ley de Fundaciones de Liechtenstein, la ley panameña no exige que ninguno de los miembros del Consejo de la Fundación resida en Panamá.


  • Si se considera necesario, se pueden constituir fundaciones de interés privado en otras jurisdicciones.


Como nosotros en Facebook, Mossack Fonseca (Official)

Source: http://www.icefilmstube.com/blog/4974/administraci%26Atilde%3B%26sup3%3Bn-de-fundaciones-de-inter%26Atilde%3Bs-privado-en-mossack-fonseca.html

EU Taxes: EP Resolution Targets Multinationals by Mossack Fonseca

On November 25, 2015, the European Parliament (EP) approved a resolution to make corporate taxes “fairer across Europe”. The resolution calls on EU member states to “agree on mandatory country-by-country reporting by multinationals of profits and taxes, a common consolidated corporate tax base (CCCTB), common definitions for tax terms, and more transparency and accountability with regard to their national tax rulings for companies”, a press release issued by the EP said.


If the EP resolution (as it stands) is passed into law by the European Council it would result in the following:


  • Large multinational corporations would have to pay taxes in the countries where most of their financial activities and profits are made
  • Smaller EU economies that offer more competitive corporate tax rates with fewer regulations would stand to lose significant tax revenues as multinationals migrate out of their jurisdictions
  • Jurisdictions outside of the EU would attract multinationals with more favorable tax and regulatory schemes


A Comparison of EU VAT Tax Rates as of 1 January 2015:



VAT Tax Rate (%)


VAT Tax Rate (%)













































Czech Republic













Sources: the Malta Independent and the European Parliamentary Research Service


Mossack Fonseca & Co. - Office Profile

Source: http://www.mossfon.com/news/eu-taxes-ep-resolution-targets-multinationals

CEGB El Valle obtiene apoyo de empresa Mossack & Fonseca


El sistema de tratamiento de aguas residuales del Centro Educación Básica General El Valle (CEBG), será una de las acciones que llevará a ejecución, la empresa Mossack Fonseca, después de suscribir una carta de intención con autoridades del Ministerio de Educación, como parte del Programa Mi Escuela Primero.


La rúbrica de la carta de intención estuvo a cargo del Viceministro académico de Educación, Carlos Staff y el Director Ejecutivo de Mossack Fonseca, Rubén Hernández, al cual además concurrieron personalidades como: la coordinadora de Responsabilidad Social Corporativa de la Empresa, Susana Fonseca y la líder y miembro del Programa Mi Escuela Primero, Ayleen Varela.


Durante la firma de la carta de intención, el Viceministro de Educación manifestó que se sentía complacido con el apoyo recibido por esta empresa panameña en una escuela de Coclé, beneficiando así a la población estudiantil de aquellas regiones apartadas del país.


Con este tipo de actividades el programa Mi Escuela Primero busca mejorar las condiciones de los centros educativos oficiales del país y por ende se verán beneficiados los estudiantes a recibir sus clases en escuelas dignas, subrayó el Viceministro Staff.


Mossack Fonseca & Co. - Perfil de oficina


Mientras tanto, el Gerente General de Mossack Fonseca, Rubén Hernández, resaltó que es para la empresa un privilegio unirse a este importante proyecto desarrollado por el Gobierno Nacional y el MEDUCA, de la mano de importantes empresas que fomentan como valor fundamental la responsabilidad social empresarial y en pro de la educación.


Cabe resaltar, que Mossack Fonseca, se compromete con este proyecto, porque causará un gran impacto y mejora social; pensamos que los niños de hoy harán crecer aún más al país y por ello debemos ofrecerle una educación digna, especificó Susana Fonseca, coordinadora de Responsabilidad Social Corporativa.

Source: http://medium.com/@onutlonzo15/cegb-el-valle-obtiene-apoyo-de-empresa-mossack-fonseca-5b381f2ea8e1#.5vkx6gfgz